Vint's first day at Google

Posted by pat 342 days ago

Vint Cerf's first day at Google

Last month when the news broke that Google had hired Vint Cerf, Tim O'Reilly commented:

It will be interesting to see how Vint, known for his impeccable 3-piece suits and his courtly, almost old-world demeanor as well as for his technical credentials. will integrate with the hacker culture of Google. On the surface, they might seem like an odd-couple, but I see in both deep thinking and passion about the ability of the internet to create a better future. I think it's a marriage made in heaven.

I started at Google in Mountain View yesterday. At lunch a smiling dressed up guy came up in the Noogler (New Googlers) zone of the Cafeteria and started shaking hands with everyone, presenting himself: "Hi I'm Vint Cerf, I'm starting today as Chief Internet evangelist". Cool! Tim was right: marriage made in heaven:-)

This will make it easier for me explaining my job to my parents: when I told them that I would be an API evangelist, going to work dressed in Hawaiian shirts, I immediately felt I'd have a lot of explaining to do. Now I can just point to Vint's picture and explain: I'm doing the same kind of job as this guy, who incidentally is considered one of the fathers of the internet.


  1. maman said about 2 hours later:
    Je trouve Vint plus élégant avec ce déguisement très recherché que toi en chemise hawaienne. Bonne chance à tous les deux dans votre nouveau travail!
  2. François said about 4 hours later:
    Mais il est très bien Pat avec ses chemises hawaïennes, ça lui va sûrement mieux qu'à Vint ;-). My best wishes Pat (you lucky b...)!
  3. Mark Woodman said about 9 hours later:
    Congrats on new beginnings, and best of luck to you, Pat!
  4. P@ said about 18 hours later:
    Merci maman, je ne suis qu'un jeune evangeliste et j'ai encore beaucoup a apprendre:-) Merci Francois, oui moi j'aime bien les palmiers! Thanks Mark.
  5. Laurent said 1 day later:
    Si les gens sont comme ca normalement, vivement les photos du bizutage, alors...
  6. Kohai said 10 days later:
    Même si je ne t'ai jamais vu, je peux bien m'imager toi habillé en chemise hawaïenne... Avec un cocktail endormi sous le soleil californien. Bonne chance avec ton noveau job, Sempai.
  7. said 38 days later:
    His hat irritates me a lot. A carnival variance of tinfoil. Or in a neo-madhatter's fashion, I just don't know, I'm an alien, literally. His cuffs are much easier, they are just lace tops of some ladies' nylons. Well, I have couple lines dedicated to Vint at my blog, too, you may want to have a look.
  8. P@ said 40 days later:
    Merci Kohai: on verra plus tard pour le cocktail:-)
  9. Brad Neuberg said 64 days later:
    Hi Pat! Congrats on working at Google. Will you continue to work on RSS related things there? Best, Brad Neuberg
  10. Brad Neuberg said 64 days later:
    By the way, I found your blog after you pointed to the Paper Airplane paper, which I wrote. We got together about 8 months ago with Kevin Burton to talk about integrating the various RSS APIs in the Java world. Best, Brad
  11. jakarikukan said 258 days later:
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