Adwords4r 0.4 released

Posted by pat 132 days ago

I just release adwords4r 0.4. It fixes many bugs, is now implemented as a ruby gem and has a classic setup script for people who do not use the gems system, and all the classes in it are part of the AdWords module, which will make it easier for people to use in Rails. Compared to the alpha version I shipped 2 months ago, I'd consider this a beta.

You need to have soap4r installed from the svn trunk: there is a bug that Hiroshi fixed in soap4r that I need and that has not made it to a soap4r release yet. I also recommend http-access2 2.05 or greater.

If you're using gems, install it with:

sudo gem install adwords4r

Then look at sample scripts in the examples directory. Have fun with the AdWords API in ruby!

I've learnt a lot about ruby in the past 2 months working on this library. I'll share a few tips in upcoming blog posts.


  1. Straw Dogs said 7 days later:
    And here was me thinking of producing an Adwords library for Ruby. Nevermind. Many thanks for it! Will make my life a lot easier.
  2. Phillip Bogle said 8 days later:
    Thank you very much for creating adwords4r. I am running into an issue where getAllAdWordsCampaigns returns an attempt array even though the result XML contains a number of campaigns. Other calls work fine. Any idea on what causes this? Here is the sample code: adwords = campaigns = adwords.getAllAdWordsCampaigns(123) puts "There are #{campaigns.length} campaigns" Here is the start of the response XML: 234 51 51 10000000 false 2005-01-22T22:07:29.000Z 5177256 en Campaign #1 SearchNetwork ContentNetwork 2004-12-16T22:12:44.000Z Deleted ...
  3. P@ said 12 days later:
    weird, getAllAdWordsCampaigns is one of the calls I use in my tests. Are you sure you use soap4r from trunk?
  4. Doug said 19 days later:
    Would you be able to let me know what format the YAML and method call should be please as you haven't included an example. Also would it be possible to make the script more compatible with Windows as it doesn't allow for filenames with "." at the start. All the best.


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