Antlib for Maven 2.0: leverage maven poms from ant
Posted by pat 95 days ago
Last month we had one of these nonsensical polemics in rome-dev about maven vs ant for build, and wether it is worth it to maintain a build.xml for our project. Hani has been kind enough to maintain a regular build.xml for us since a long time.
Now this task should be made much easier with something I heard about on Jean-Laurent de Morlhon's blog: Antlib for Maven 2.0. These ant tasks allow you to take advantage of some of the maven convenience from ant, leveraging a project's pom.xml when you want to build in ant without using maven. For example generate an Ant Fileset of all the dependencies in a pom.xml, for use in a classpath. Nifty! This should make Hani's chore easier:-)