Dave Johnson announced projet Socialsite at JavaOne last may. Socialsite is an open source (CDDL/GPL) social network server based on Apache Shindig (Java) that implements the database and User Interface for a full fledge social network. Since it is based on Shindig, it implements OpenSocial. A smart decision they made was to implement the user […]
Entries from August 2008
Sun’s Socialsite released: an open source social network server implementing OpenSocial
August 13th, 2008 · 2 Comments
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Slides for the GWT talk at JUG Cologne
August 12th, 2008 · No Comments
From P@ Travel Yesterday I gave a talk about GWT at the Cologne JUG in Germany. I presented some old slides about GWT from my Isidro Parodi talk last year, as well as the more recent Google I/O slides from the Bruce Johnson. I highly suggest to look at Bruce’s IO videos, this is very […]
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